My experience with radio first came during my work in the Police. One of my Sergeants, David Jelley who is now Silent Key, was a radio amateur and invited me to visit his home shack. Following sick leave from a work injury I was then placed in the local control room operating the radios, although it […]
A number of childhood experiences have stuck with me and inspired me to take up the hobby. I have a memory of rummaging through a box of Morse keys in a tent with my Dad, which I think may have been at a Drayton Manor Park Radio Rally. I also used to watch The Forest […]
A major infrastructure upgrade is taking place on the RSGB website between 16.00 on Monday, 27 January 2025 and 12.00 on Tuesday, 28 January 2025. The website may go offline for short periods during this essential work. More details of any scheduled downtime will be available shortly. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience. This […]
On Sunday, 26 January 2025, the 2m band is full of transmissions from operators taking part in 145 Alive. The event is running from 12pm to 3pm and there are nets operating in most Maidenhead Squares across England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. To take part, all you need to do is call in and make […]
The Lincoln Shortwave Club Winter Radio Rally is taking place today, the 26 January, at The Festival Hall, Caistor Road in Market Rasen. The doors open at 10am and admission is £3. Hot refreshments and ample free car parking are available. For more information contact Steve Burke, M5ZZZ on 07777 699 069 or email […]
The Straight Key Century Club’s Straight Key Month is currently underway. The annual on-air event commemorates the Club’s founding in 2006 and celebrates the original instruments of early radiotelegraphy including straight keys, bugs and ‘cootie’ keys. Listen out for the K3Y callsign which is being aired from the ten USA call areas. Information on the […]
Dwight, VE7BV is active as TG9BBV from Guatemala until the 28 January. He is operating using mostly CW and SSB on the 40 to 6m bands. QSL via Dwight’s home call and Logbook of the World. Ralf, DB4REB is active as CN2REB while on holiday in Morocco until the 30 January. He is operating using […]
The British Amateur Radio Teledata Group RTTY Sprint started at 1200UTC on Saturday 25 January and runs until 1200UTC today, the 26 January. Using RTTY on the 80 to 10m bands, where contests are permitted, the exchange is your serial number. The CQ 160m DX Contest started at 2200UTC on Friday the 24 January and […]