Barnsley and District Amateur Radio Club has a meeting and social evening from 7pm every Wednesday. On Thursday, there will be a net on 144.5625MHz FM from 7pm. David, G4TMZ, Bishop Auckland Radio Amateur’s Club meets at Stanley Crook Village Hall on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm. Anyone wishing to study or take exams should […]
On Thursday, Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is meeting for CW practice from 7pm. Following this, there will be an equipment surgery and on-air evening from 7.30pm. Ayr Amateur Radio Group meets on alternate Fridays at Prestwick Community Centre from 7.30pm. For details of club activities and nets, visit Derek, MM0OVD, 0742 899 4614 […]
Aylesbury Vale Radio Society meets on the third Wednesday of each month. For more details visit Banbury Amateur Radio Society has a net on 144.5125MHz FM most evenings. Members have a club night on Wednesday from 7pm. For more information visit On Wednesday, Bishop’s Stortford Amateur Radio Society has its net, starting at […]
On Sundays, Appledore and District Amateur Radio Club has a net on 1.860MHz from 9.30am, followed by an SSB net on 144.260MHz at 10.30am. The Club has weekday nets taking place from 4pm on 145.450MHz, except Wednesday when the net takes place via GB3DN. There are nets on Monday, Wednesday and Friday that also take […]
The next meeting of Aberdare and District Amateur Radio Society will be held on Friday 14 February at Hirwaun YMCA Hall, CF44 9RB from 6pm. Ian Miles 2W0IWM, Aberkenfig and District Amateur Radio Club has its weekly meeting on Wednesday from 7pm at Tondu Railway Club, Station Approach, Bridgend. The club is an approved […]
I worked from home using a simple home made 1/2 size g5rv squeezed into my garden as an inverted V with the legs bent near the ends.
Not the ideal setup but at least it allowed me to work the contest from home.
The classic section allows you to operate a total of 24hrs over the 2 days, I managed 13.5hrs running 100w from a ft 710 and M1MM logging software.
So even with a fairly simple set-up you can achieve a respectable result. So why not give some of these international competitions a go! You never know how you will fare.
Andy MM7IFX – Report
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Hi all,
The results CQ WW SSB 2024 have arrived and my first contest with the new callsign MM7IFX was a great pleasure and a new Scottish record, which I am extremely happy about. We are waiting for the results of the CW round and the first club classification for WEST OF SCOTLAND ARS.
Andy’s The Mobile ‘Shack’ – CLICK To View
And looking at CQWW ‘Standings’ for Scottish Stations:
A founder member of the Tiverton Amateur Radio Club, Alan G0IFC became Silent Key on 24 January 2025 at the age of 77. Alan was passionate about Amateur Radio for almost 40 years and, until recently, was licence-holder of the Tiverton club’s call sign G4TSW. As Chairman of the club for many years, he set […]
I thought I’d put a bit of a report on here for everyone to see, a little on the late side as I’ve only just managed to sort out and fill in the gaps in the log! We had a good few hours operating GS4AGG up at the club shack, over the 3 hours we’d made nearly 70 QSOs, with some repeat call ins… although this isn’t a contest so it doesn’t really matter too much how many you make, the aim is purely about promoting activity on the 2m band (specifically FM). It’s supposed to operate like a traditional net, but in reality that doesn’t end up being the case so much, in my experience the vast majority just call in, some come back later on.
Equipment in use at the Shack
As most of you are aware the shack tower is still not reinstated, however the temporary pole setup that we’d figured out, and Archie helped put up on both our test run and the actual event worked pretty well. Not quite as well as it would’ve been on the tower when extended but by most accounts we were still putting out a very strong signal.
Ernie GM0EZP Operating
I should hope so after spending £50 getting a 15m length of fancy italian coax to use, rather than an old length of RG213 that was lying about that’s probably older than me! In theory that worked out to us putting out about 170W ERP.
Jack GM4COX Operating
Overall everything went pretty smoothly and we managed to put the station on for the full 3 hours, with only a couple of quieter periods for 5 mins or so. The station was operated by myself, Jack GM4COX and Ernie GM0EZP, with support from Archie GM4KNU and David MM7FZU.