RSGB President writes to Ofcom about 144MHz

In our next step in an ongoing effort to protect the 144MHz band, the RSGB President has written to Ofcom regarding the recent World Radio Conference WRC-23 aeronautical proposal. Our input summarises the basis for our deep concerns, but also includes …

Bletchley youngsters’ hands-on radio

The RSGB invites young people, and an accompanying adult if the child is under 16 years, to join them at the National Radio Centre (NRC) at Bletchley Park on 6 August 2019 for a fun and hands-on workshop where they can learn more about radio and electr…

Microwave Manager addresses Spectrum Summit

This week IARU expert and RSGB Microwave Manager Barry Lewis, G4SJH presented a key address to a panel session Keeping the Spectrum Clean at the 24th Annual Spectrum Summit in Germany that attracted 200 delegates from 34 countries. He said— The amateur…

Also in GB2RS this week…

Professor Cathryn Mitchell, M0IBG, academic director of the University of Bath Doctoral College and Trustee of the Radio Communications Foundation, has received the 2019 Edward Appleton Medal and Prize for her pioneering research in tomography and data…

Award for Professor Cathryn Mitchell, M0IBG

Professor Cathryn Mitchell, M0IBG, academic director of the University of Bath Doctoral College and Trustee of the Radio Communications Foundation, has received the 2019 Edward Appleton Medal and Prize for her pioneering research in tomography and data…

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