How alive was 145 Alive on January 26th at the WoSARS Shack


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I thought I’d put a bit of a report on here for everyone to see, a little on the late side as I’ve only just managed to sort out and fill in the gaps in the log!  We had a good few hours operating GS4AGG up at the club shack, over the 3 hours we’d made nearly 70 QSOs, with some repeat call ins…  although this isn’t a contest so it doesn’t really matter too much how many you make, the aim is purely about promoting activity on the 2m band (specifically FM). It’s supposed to operate like a traditional net, but in reality that doesn’t end up being the case so much, in my experience the vast majority just call in, some come back later on.
Equipment in use at the Shack
As most of you are aware the shack tower is still not reinstated, however the temporary pole setup that we’d figured out, and Archie helped put up on both our test run and the actual event worked pretty well. Not quite as well as it would’ve been on the tower when extended but by most accounts we were still putting out a very strong signal.
Ernie GM0EZP Operating
I should hope so after spending £50 getting a 15m length of fancy italian coax to use, rather than an old length of RG213 that was lying about that’s probably older than me! In theory that worked out to us putting out about 170W ERP.
Jack GM4COX Operating
Overall everything went pretty smoothly and we managed to put the station on for the full 3 hours, with only a couple of quieter periods for 5 mins or so.   The station was operated by myself, Jack GM4COX and Ernie GM0EZP, with support from Archie GM4KNU and David MM7FZU.
Stations Worked

New Cochno Shack – Latest – January 2025

July 2019 – Shack Looking SE Over Glasgow



Taking part in 145 ALIVE. Checkout WEBPOST.

18/01/25: 2M0XSP GM4KNU

Prep for forthcoming 145 ALIVE. Temp mast and single section collinear.

24/10/24: GM4COX

Jack repairs DG8 pre-amp and demonstrates at Club (25/10/24).


Tower removed to Alan GM4TOQ’s QTH for repair.

05/07/24: MM7STP

POST#3596 extract:

“……...As some of you may have seen/heard, plans have changed a bit for this…   we now can’t operate 4/6m, so will be 2m only, using Ray’s /P setup from the shack site, but still operating as a fixed sweeper station. This is due to the disaster we had on Tuesday night with a tower winch cable snapping, causing the whole thing to come crashing down…  jamming the top section half up, snapping the HF beam in two, the 4/6 Beam losing almost all its elements and some damage to the 2m Beam. Although the 2m beam does still work, and we used it on tuesday, the tower will only rotate around 90 degrees, so far from ideal!.………………”

And follow-on POST#3606.

01-07/03/23: GM3ZDH, GM4COX, GM0EZP

Some equipment removed (and returned) to be used for the Special Event Station GB5SC.

07/01/23: GM0EZP, GM4TOQ, MM7SWM, MM7POL

First day out in 2023 at the Shack:

“……….. A few club members were at the shack on  Saturday, Paul mm7pol, Stuart mm7swm, Alan gm4toq, Ernie gm0ezp.

We had a good afternoon in fine winter sun weather. Paul had brought up his ft991a to use as he is familiar with its operation and was hoping to take advantage of the elevated site, tower and beam. Unfortunately when using the vhf beam it had a high swr making it unusable.
Operation turned to using the end fed wire…………………… Ernie GM0EZP” 
More of Ernie’s and follow-on Posts in the MEMBERS FORUM – POST#3213  .

11/11/22: GM0EZP

Ernie updates Members with talk at Rose Street regarding the updates that have taken place. Also, a supporting Web Post for those that were unable to attend. Checkout CALENDAR.


Taking part in SSB – CQWW. Checkout Members POST#3140 for the latest.


Replacement rotator installed.

Last year (31/07/21), following the installation of the main aerials on the tower, it was found that although the Rotor rotated the ‘array’, it didn’t track the direction on the Controller’s indicator panel. To repair this fault meant the raising of the array to allow the Rotator to be removed. This was done earlier this year.

See HOMEPAGE  PICTURE DIARY (Oct 22) showing some of the ‘team’ working on the re-installation.


Following the major leaks in the Operating Shack, the Shack was completely stripped of contents; re-decoration and a rebuild took place of the operating bench. 


From previous Diary entry – following a major leak in Operating Shack – Ernie GM0EZP:

“……….We could not have asked for better weather today. Charles had organised all the kit required for the job which was great. Paul and Scott did a great job of cleaning around the aluminium edging and the giving it a Liberal coat of roof sealing paint.

Inside all flooring was removed and almost completely dried in the sun. A heater was left running g most of the afternoon to assist drying out the floor and walls.
Sam with a little help from Alan and me got the rotator cable removed, so it’s on its way back to Sam’s for him to work his magic on the rotator and controller
At the end of the day everything was put back into the shack for storage and will require another day of drying before being laying back down.
All in all a good amount of work was completed and hopefully that is the leak sorted. Another day to put the shack back together should do it…………………..”

02/07/22: MM7STP, GM0EZP, MM7CGB, MM7TXY

VHF Field Day. Unfortunately we ran into unforeseen problems. See POST#2955 .

11/06/22: MM7POL,

Paul organising a day of operating at the Shack. See POST#2896 .


A fruitful day by completing surrounding fence.

Pictures added to MEMBERS FORUM

22/01/22: GM0EZP, 2M0GUI (GM4TOQ, GM4COX)

GM4AGG taking place in RSGB 80/40 SSB AFS contest. Operators GM0EZP, 2M0GUI. see CALENDAR .

11-12/12/21: GM4TOQ, MM7STP, GM0EZP, GM4COX

Balun and balancing resistor installed; optimising Beverage . 160M dipole raised in preparation for the TransAtlantic Celebrations. Successful outcome – see POST#1832 .

Wx grim. Heavy rain throughout the day, however through the night, skies cleared and it was fairly warm. Sunday dawned wet with heavier rain in the afternoon, just in time for ‘strip-down’.

09/12/21: GM4COX

Installing earth rods at each end of the Beverage and measuring DC loop resistance and resultant Z being presented. From this, matching balun to be made – 6:1 (COX).

05/12/21: GM4CXM, MM1BXF, MM7STP (AFS), MM0ZUN, GM0EZP, GM4TOQ, GM4COX (Beverage)

Beautiful early winter’s day. Sunshine and temp high of 5C dropping to -2C when leaving Site.

GM7WOS taking part in RSGB’s AFS .

Installing 160M Beverage & dipole in preparation for TRANSATLANTIC CELBRATIONS.

20/11/21: GM4TOQ, 2M0FYJ, MM7STP, GM4COX

Discussions with Bartek – FYJ about battery 12V feed for both Shacks.

Discussions with Alan – TOQ about aerials for first amateur TRANSATLANTIC CELEBRATIONS (Dec 1921/2021) participation (GM4AGG)

Scott – STP operating FT8 HF (GM4AGG) & 2M (GM7WOS).

13/11/21: MM1ESW, MM7STP, MM1BXF, GM4COX

Beautiful Autumn day. Tower fully up. ‘Bagging’ some SOTA’s on 2M (GM7WOS).

Stuart – ESW working on Shack computer.

Jack – COX had first 13cms from Site (2320.300MHz – FM) using GM7WOS for SOTA contact with G(M)4VFL/P on GM/SS-220 . 59/59 bothways. Operation location on Site is where a dedicated 13cms station will be located.

Scott – STP operating on 4M using homemade dipole.

Gavin – BXF operating 2M Meteor Scatter using 14el Parabeam.

PICS to be added to Cochno Folder.

07/11/21: MM1ESW, GM4COX

Too windy to raise tower. QSO’s on 2M FM and 20/80M.

Working on Shack main computer.

02/11/21: GM4COX

Taking part in the monthly RSGB 2M Activity Contest (GM7WOS) – UKAC 2M and testing out new FT-847 + DG8 headamp + Amplivox headset + new footswitch + Parabeam

01/11/21: GM4DAE, MM1ESW, GM4COX, GM4BGS

More GB4GDS contacts.

Additional ‘welfare’  equipment added to Shack#2.


Taking part in SSB CQWW .

Ongoing improvement of Shack#2 facilities.

28/10/21: GM4COX

Trying out new FT847 and link dipole in UKAC 80M CONTEST.


Clearout Shack#2 and paint in preparation for respite facilities. Finish installation of Linked Dipole. More GB4GDS contacts on HF & VHF.

20/10/21: GM4COX, GM4BGS

Install new FT-847 + FC-20 and checkout. Pull rotator cable into Shack via cable duct and reterminate. Start installation of 80M, 60M, 40M linked dipole. More GB4GDS contacts on HF and VHF.

16/10/21: GM4TOQ, MM1BXF, GM4DAE (MM5AIR), MM7POL (+Brodie), GM0EZP, GM4COX

Install DG8 head amplifier in Parabeam feed. Gavin BXF demonstrates a dual band handset used for satellite operation on 144/430MHz – HERE . More GB4GDS contacts.

12/10/21: GM4COX, GM4DAE (MM5AIR), GM4BGS

Repair Collinear feed within cable duct. Duct waterlogged, install new drainage hole. Install FT-221R and checkout on Parabeam (GB3VHF & NGI). More GB4GDS contacts.

06/10/21: GM4COX, GM4DAE (MM5AIR)

First activation of GB4GDS from New Shack. Some pictures – HERE . (lovely Autumn Wx)

04/10/21: GM4COX

Preparatory work in preparation for GB4GDS. Operating as GM4AGG

25/09/21: GM4TOQ, GM4BGS,  MM0ZUN and others

Replacement cable and final guide wheel fitted. Tower now raising and lowering with reduced friction.

Possible problem with Collinear? To be investigated.

18/09/21:  No work carried out. Still awaiting replacement cable and Alan GM4TOQ not too well.

11/09/21: GM4TOQ, GM0EZP, GM4BGS and others

Installing replacement cable guide wheels on tower. Two successfully installed. Lowest tower section wire snapped. No damage done.

Ernie GM0EZP “………………The tower needed to be raised about 1 inch to give Alan the clearence he needed, that is when this happened,  oops! The Main section cable snapped.  When we managed to free the cable Alan took it to try and source a replacement………………….

04/09/21 : MM7STP, MM1BXF, GM4CXM, GM4TOQ, GM0EZP, MM7CVB, MM7DCD, MM1ESW and others.

Our first ‘toe-in-water’ taster in the RSGB 144MHz TROPHY CONTEST . Looking promising!




Three replacement tower wire guide wheels still require to be replaced along with the on-going clean out of #2 Shack.

28/08/21: GM4TOQ, GM4BGS, MM7STP, GM4COX

A sunny one!

Cleared fault with X7 feed.

Scott MM7STP operating FM (GS4AGG) using new collinear. Working well!

Made a start on clearing Shack#2.

See: POST#2067 .

Pictures to be added to COCHNO FOLDER .

21/08/21: GM4TOQ, GM4BGS, GM4COX (GM4CXM)

A wet one!

Replacement heavier duty winch fitted and tested. Working well though problems with 3 guide wheels (too small 60mm should be 100mm x 15mm) on tower causing raising cable to jump. Replacements being sought.

Intermittent problem with X7 feed. Problem located and requires to be cleared.

See: POST#2007 .

Pictures added to COCHNO FOLDER .

14/08/21: GM4TOQ, GM4BGS, GM0WRR, GM4COX

Problems with electric winch. Too light for the job. Investigating a heavier winch. Also problems with some guide wheels – too small. Replacements being sought.

Terminate HF Beam, VHF Beam and Collinear feeds in Operating Shack.

Pully and halyard added to tower.

See: POST#1930 .

Pictures added to COCHNO FOLDER .

07/08/21: GM4TOQ, MM0ZUN, GM8XGI, GM4COX

Successfully installing tower raising electric winch and checking rotation of all aerials and feeders.

See: POST#1864 .

Pictures added to COCHNO FOLDER .

03/08/21: GM4COX

Testing out VHF Horizontal Yagi & Rotator by taking part in the monthly 2M Activity Contest (UKAC).  A very successful outcome.

See: POST#1849 .

Pictures added to COCHNO FOLDER .


A significant milestone has now been reached. The successful installation on the Shack’s Tower of our HF and VHF aerials.

See: POST#1842 .

And pictures have been added to COCHNO FOLDER .

24/07/21: GM4TOQ, GM0EZP, GM8XGI, GM4COX

 Pushing on with the aerial installations on the tower.

Sam had been successful in reconditioning the Club’s main rotator and delivered it to Alan.

In preparation for the main feeders into Shack#1, the feeder duct had to be completed.

Likewise, facia fabricated with cable glands and ‘N’/SO239 ‘feed-thrus’ to be mounted on side of #1.


17/07/21: GM4TOQ, GM0EZP, MM0ZUN, MM7CGB

“………..The shack moves on. Arrived about 1pm Alan and Kenny were working away with the 360 digger . Charles had popped over with some digging tools which were put to good use. Trench dug, slabs laid , and a gate to lean on. I left about 5 leaving Alan and Kenny to soldier on .

A good afternoon glad the trees have some shade.
Cheers Ernie………………………”

10/07/21: GM4TOQ, GM4COX

More slabs laid in front of Shack#1 in preparation of aerial installations on tower.


Late June – Early July: GM4BGS

Sam GM4BGS Refurbishes Club’s main rotator in preparation for the installation of HF, Parabeam and high gain Collinear on tower.

See COCHNO FOLDER for ‘Before & After’.

03/07/21: GM4TOQ, GM0EZP, MM7CGB

Bricks relocated to alongside bunker base in preparation for start of build.

19/06/21: GM4TOQ, MM0UXD (+Laura), MM7CGB, GM0EZP, GM4COX (Charlie GM8XGI)

Two pallets of bricks loaded (by hand) and transported from Clydebank to farm; then one pallet transported up to Site in preparation of the new bunker build. Additional slabs laid. Pictures added to COCHNO FOLDER .

05/06/21: GM4TOQ, MM0ZUN, GM0EZP, MM0UXD (+Laura), GM4COX

A good day’s work was put in by Kenny MM0ZUN, Alan GM4TOQ, Ernie GM0EZP, Cris MM0UXD (and Cris’s YL Laura – a snip with the shears attacking the Rhode’s (;>) and yours truly.  We were successful in laying the base in preparation for the ‘bunker’ build. See additional Pics added to COCHNO FOLDER .

17/05/21: GM4COX

Visit to Shack#1. Check internal ‘dryness’ after being closed for the winter, and ‘Lockdown’. Dry and in good condition.

Refit air vent grill to stop insect ingress.

Pictures taken and added to COCHNO FOLDER .

01/05/21: GM4TOQ (and Garry)

Work resumes.

100′ Mast mounted on groundpost.

Post added to MEMBERS FORUM #1497 .


12/12/20: MM7STP, 2M0FYJ, GM4COX

A new course of slabs laid between #1 & #2 Shacks to the rear of #1 to accommodate generators.

Picture added to MEMBERS FORUM .

05/12/20: MM7STP, 2M0FYJ, GM4COX, GM4TOQ

A foundation built and a course of 2 x 2′ slabs laid in front of Old Shack (#2).

Pictures added to MEMBERS FORUM .

28/11/20: GM4TOQ, GM4COX

Access slabs laid (3 x 2’s). Using small JCB digger, more stumps removed and soil in front of shack levelled. 

Pictures added to MEMBERS FORUM .

21/11/20: GM4TOQ, MM7DCD, MM7STP, GM4COX + Scotty & Gregor

A further 4 Cubic Metres of concrete added to complete job. (Approx 10 Tonnes + 2 CuSq on the 14th – total of 15 Tonnes) And small quantity of extra concrete used to build ‘step-down’ from #1 to #2 Shack. 

Pictures added to MEMBERS FORUM .

14/11/20:  GM4TOQ, MM7DCD, MM0ZUN, MM7STP, GM7OAW, GM0EZP, GM4COX + Garry

Groundpost postioned and initial concrete mixed and poured, along with ‘rubble’ to stabilise and secure. 

Pictures added to MEMBERS FORUM .

07/11/20:  GM4TOQ, MM0ZUN, MM7STP + Garry

Hole dug for tower base.


To accommodate the 100′ tower base; rhododendrons cut back. Knowing the position of the tower; slabs laid outside Shack#1, to connect to access gate and base of tower.

Photos added to COCHNO Folder. (COX) 

19/09/20: MM0ZUN, GM4TOQ

  • Unloaded a pile of slabs next to the shack taken up by the tractor

  • Spent a few hours on making fence posts out of what we can reuse of the old fence ones.  Ground and cut then welded the remaining fence posts into a usable state, the bottom ends that had previously been in the ground had rusted away

  • Stock take of fencing bits that can be reused and worked out we need to buy approx 80m of bar for the rungs in the fence. Alan will check up on supplier

  • A lot of the fence along the top in place, still missing some of the bar for it though but have the posts and top rail in
  • Cut down some bushes in the fence line and where the base of the tower will go. Need to remove roots from there, this can be done when we have the digger up for doing the hole for the tower base. Once the branches have dried a bit they can be burnt

19/07/20: GM4COX

Photos of progress added to MEMBERS FORUM .


Continue to re-install wrought iron fence.

Continue rebuild/repair of Shack#1 frontage

Paint exterior of Shack#2

12/07/20: 2M0WWC, GM4COX

Paint exterior of Shack#1

01/06/20: GM4COX, GM4TOQ

Work resumes.

Burn rhododendron foliage & branches that had been cut the previous year.  

Paint Shack#1 access frontage


05/03/20: GM4COX

Shack#1 visit after winter ‘hibernation’. Shack dry. Photos taken and loaded into Cochno folder – MEMBERS FORUM .

17/11/19: GM4TOQ, GM8XGI, MM7AJE

Install new access door to Shack#1.

Drop height of Shack#2 for easier access.

26-27/10/19: GM4TOQ, GM4BGS, GM0EZP, MM1ESW, MM7AJI, MM7AJE………

CQWW SSB – GM4AGG taking part. See POST#160 (Members Forum) .

21/10/19: GM4COX

More update pictures added to Members Forum.

21/09/19: GM4COX

New padlocks fitted. Floor mats fitted. Lefthand door frame repaired. Vent fitted.

13/09/19: GM4COX

Operating Desk secured. Operating chair floor boarding fitted. On-going work on door frames (right & left).

08/09/19: GM4TOQ, GM4BGS, MM7AJI, MM7AJJ

HF Beam relocated from Alan’s QTH to farmyard. Lefthand door protection door padlock cut. On-going work on surrounding fence.

07/09/19: GM4COX

Shack floor tiles cleaned. Operating Desk – equipment shelf modified and both sanded down and painted. Front door (right hand side) frame repaired.

02/08/19: GM4COX

Comprehensive CHECKLIST of outstanding items Posted on Members Forum.

20/07/19: MM1ESW, GM4COX

Stuart – MM1ESW & myself were up at the Shack on Saturday (20th) specifically to carryout some more sealing on #1 and checkout #2. This I did and took the opportunity to take a few pictures and add to the relevant Folders in Photos.

16/07/19: MM0ZUN


I was out at the shack this afternoon……………… started sorting out the contents of the old shack. I divided stuff up into components and equipment. The components are now packed up and labeled ready to go to the Electron Club for use by the SoLDER group and others. Just need to get them down from the shack at some point

I have photographed all the equipment (there may be some hiding that I couldn’t get at due to all the cable making things a bit crushed inside) All the smaller stuff is now in 2 crates while the larger stuff remains under the bench and next to the cooker


11/07/19: 2M1CKE, MM0ZUN, GM4TOQ, GM4COX

Floor tiles relayed in #1 and operating desk re-assembled.

#1 Roof some areas sealed. Other areas outstanding.

Tower ground post modified and aligned to swivel point. More modifications required.

A fuller Member’s Post (inc photos) – HERE .

24/06/19 – 05/07/19 : 2M1CKE, MM0ZUN, GM4COX

Painting of the inside of #1 completed (just some small touch-ups required)

Pat has made a start on painting the inside of #1.


On-going modifications to tower & groundpost. (Pictures added to Members Forum)

22/06/19: GM4TOQ, GM4BGS, GM4COX, MM7MCM

A long but successful day yesterday. New ‘BIG’ tower (and ground-post)  uplifted from south of Inverness and delivered to Cochno. To be located to new Shack. Ground-post to be slightly modified. Hole dug for ground-post, positioned and concreted into place.

Thanks all: Alan – TOQ, Sam – BGS, Jack – COX and Archie – SWL (and of course a big thanks to the tractor driver who uplifted both the tower and ground-post and placed on pick-up. Saved us a lot of time).

A fuller Post to be made in our MEMBERS Forum along with pictures.


ABW 22/06/19 a team are heading north to uplift.


Arrangements underway to uplift tower.


Pictures added to Members Forum.


Both Shacks Levelled.

Shack#1, inside and outside washed and cleaned.

Start made on surrounding fence.


Wash outside Shack#2 (Old Shack) in preparation for painting #1 & #2. Paint colour to be decided. (This may depend on what is available – hi?)

Paint interior of #1. (emulsion)

Organise uplift of new tower.


Members Forum Post updated and pictures added.


Cleared old Shack#2 for preparation to be re-located on new site. Moved and sited into position. Items that had been removed most are returned for the moment.

Shack#1 emptied in preparation for refurbishment. Most items transferred to Shack#2 for the moment.

Ground around both shacks re-instated after tractor & dumper action. Looking good!


New tower gifted to the Club. Decision to ‘scrap’ old one but re-use certain items. New tower has to be collected. To be organised.


Posted by Kenny – MM0ZUN on our MEMBERS FORUM:

“I’ve added some photos from today of getting the shack roughly into its final location.

This wouldn’t have been possible to get done without Gary and some of his friends work.



Move Shack#1 (Newest Shack) and Tower for ease of access and refurbishment.


Cleared the rhododendrons and cut the dead tree. (see new photos added to PHOTOS/COCHNO_Shack (Club Members only))

Dropped the Tower, removed the HF beam & VHF collinear.

Refurbished the HF beam (The VHF collinear appears to be in good shape)

Access has now been made to the Tower and Shack.

30/04/19 : And the ‘lads’ HAVE:

Well this Project is well underway thanks to the efforts of Alan – GM4TOQ, Alan’s son Garry & Mate, Sam – GM4BGS and Sam’s son Peter.

So where are we at?

Well as you know (or may not – see my thoughts in this POST#25 (Members only)) there is a pile of work to be done.

March 2019 – View From Shack Looking SE Over Glasgow

24/03/19 : GM4TOQ, GM4BGS, GM4COX, MM6BWS

Site visit with follow-on proposals.












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