4m band released in Switzerland as of 01.01.23

As the Swiss Amateur Radio Association USKA reports, it was possible to obtain clearance for the 4m band after lengthy negotiations with the national telecommunications authority BAKOM. The authorisation is valid from 1 January 2023. The following applies: Only radio …

Richard Brunton, G4TUT — SK

Our British Amateur Member Society RSGB has announced, that Richard Brunton, G4TUT, has passed away. Richard was well known for countless years as editor of the popular website Southgate Amateur Radio News. Every day he scoured the world’s amateur radio …

DARPA: Satellites to monitor Ionosphere

The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA, USA) has issued the first call for proposals for its Ouija programme, which aims to use sensors on “near-Earth satellites” (VLEOs) to gain new insights into the propagation of HF (shortwave) radio waves …

Belgium: Military frequency use in the 6‑metre band

The Belgian telecommunication authority BIPT informs that a military exercise will take place in Elzenborn near the German-Belgian border until 18 June 2022, during which two frequencies in the 6‑metre band will be used: 50.200 MHz and 51.075 MHz. Radio …

SPDX Contest 2022 cancelled

After careful deliberation, the SP DX Contest Committee, together with Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK) and the SP DX Club, has decided to cancel the 2022 SP DX Contest. Since the start of the war in Ukraine, Poland has so …

The 5 MHz newsletter turns 10 years old

Edited by Paul Gaskell, G4MWO, the newsletter provides info on new allocations in the 60m band worldwide. The first issue of the 5 MHz Newsletter was published in autumn 2011 and heralded the growth of the new 60-metre band. Thus, …

UBA DX CW Contest cancelled

Due to the current events, the UBA has decided to cancel the UBA DX CW 2022 contest which was scheduled to take place this weekend (26 and 27 FEB). This is reported by UBA HF Manager Egbert Hertsen, ON4CAS. …

Iceland: Use of 160m band renewed for 2022

Iceland’s Amateur Radio Association (IRA) reports that the Telecommunications Authority (Fjarskiptastofa) has approved an application to renew its permit for amateur radio use from 1850–1900 kHz in 2022. The permit also covers contests such as the ARRL International DX Competition …

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