Radio Africa Network via WRMI, October 10, 2021

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Recording of Radio Africa Network via WRMI, October 10, 2021

Station: Radio Africa Network
Place of reception: Europe
Frequency: 21525 kHz shortwave
Date: October 10, 2021
Time: 1359 UTC
Transmitter location: Okeechobee, Florida, USA
Transmitter power: 100 kW
Receiver: Kenwood: R-5000
Location of receiver: outdoor
Antenna: 30 meter longwire
Antenna location: outdoor, around 8 meters above Earth level
Recording device: wav portable recorder

Channel 292 Radio in English on radio history, October 2, 2021


Radio Channel 292 recorded in Europe from shortwave frequency of 9670 kHz on Oct. 2, 2021 at 1220 UTC. The transmitter location is in Germany. The power of transmitter is 10 kW. The recording contains part of a programme on radio history. The recording has been made using portable receiver SONY ICF SW1. The receiver was placed outdoor (far away from buildings to limit the man-made interference). During the recording only the internal telescopic 0,5 meter antenna was used. To make the recording old SONY portable cassette tape recorder has been utilised (to evade additional noise usually produced by mp3 portable recorders).

AWR “Wavescan” via WRMI, October 2, 2021


Radio WRMI recorded in Europe from shortwave frequency of 15770 kHz on Oct. 2, 2021 at 1259 UTC. The recording contains "Wavescan"programme of AWR (it is a programme concerning various aspects of shortwave broadcasting and listening).

The recording has been made using portable receiver SONY ICF SW1. The receiver was placed outdoor (far away from buildings to limit the man-made interference).

During the recording only the internal telescopic 0,5 meter antenna was used. The quality of signal shows that also with very simple antenna quite good reception can be achieved when no local noise interference is disturbing the reception.

To make the recording an old SONY portable cassette tape recorder has been utilised (portable wav or mp3 recorders usually produce some noise disturbing the shortwave signal but the old cassette tape recorders are much better in this regard and practically produce no noise interference). At the left side of the receiver SONY ICF SW1 has a special socket for making recordings onto the tape recorders. The level of audio signal output provided on SONY ICF SW1 recording socket seems to be perfectly matching the microphone input socket of cassette tape recorders (I tried two different ones with good results for shortwave recordings). The actual audio quality of SONY ICF SW1 is however much better than the audio of the recording because of poor audio frequency range being recorded on portable casette tape recorders (in this aspect modern mp3 recorders are much better, but using them one must accept some additional noise from recorder, especially annoying when recording weaker shortwave signals).

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