IARU Virtual General Conference — 3rd Day

The Region 1 Virtual General Conference continued today with three more sessions. The day started with a joint meeting of the Political Relations Committee (PRC) and the Spectrum and Regulatory Affairs Committee (SRLC). Between them, these two committees steer the …

IARU Virtual General Conference — 2nd Day

The second full day of the Virtual General Conference opened with the first meeting of Committee C4 (HF). The meeting began with a review of the reports from the Committee Chair, the HF Beacon coordinator and the IARUMS coordinator.  Discussions …

IARU Virtual General Conference — 1st Day

IARU President Tim Ellam, VE6SH, formally opened the Region 1 VGC today. Speaking from Calgary, Tim reminded delegates that we faced unprecedented challenges today, which would likely result in much more of IARU’s work being virtual. He reminded the meeting …

Provisional results IARU R1 VHF Contest

Provisional results for the last IARU R1 VHF Contest are available on IARU Region 1 VHF & Up Contest Robot . We received a total of 1965 logs from 35 different countries. The complaining period will end on October 30th, …

IARU Region 1 ATV Contest 2020 Results

The IARU Region 1 ATV Contest was held on 13/14 June 2020. Due to travel restrictions in some countries caused by the COVID 19Pandemic, the main scoring tables have been split into 2 sections.Section 1 is for entrants who only …

YOTA at “QSO Today Ham Expo”

From 7th to 9th of August YOTA from IARU R1 and R2 will be taking part in the first virtual ham expo ever: “QSO Today Ham Expo”! The event will include a whole new virtual platform with #virtual booths from …

YOTA online – livestreams of session #2

Are you ready for the second YOTA online session already?Did you set your alarms to 25.06.2020 – 1800 UTC? BUT WHAT IS YOTA ONLINE?The Youth Working Group within the IARU Region 1 created a newly developed program called “YOTA online”. In these …


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this year’s HAM RADIO in Friedrichshafen had to be cancelled as so many other events world wide. DARC decided to offer instead an online event, the HAM RADIOnline from June 26th to June 29th. This …

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