N3FJP – 18 January 2022

Version entity is Australia, VK ADIFCnt.txt has 340 current DXCC entities and 62 deleted DXCC entities. arrlpre3.txt has 21496 prefix+callsign mappings. cqwwpre3.txt has 21646 prefix+callsign mappings. [download] Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns: NL5L is in ITU zone 7, not ITU zone 6 NL5L … Continue reading

CTY-3202 – 18 January 2022

VER20220118, Version entity is Uruguay, CX Download: [ CTY-3202 | CT8 | Win-Test | WriteLog | XML ] Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns: FO/SP5EAQ is Austral Islands, FO/a KC6REO is Hawaii, KH6 AE6FK and KI6WBS are both Alaska, KL KD2VEC, KK4GKZ and KK4HLB … Continue reading

CTY-3202 – 18 January 2022

VER20220118, Version entity is Uruguay, CX Download: [ CTY-3202 | CT8 | Win-Test | WriteLog | XML ] Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns: FO/SP5EAQ is Austral Islands, FO/a KC6REO is Hawaii, KH6 AE6FK and KI6WBS are both Alaska, KL KD2VEC, KK4GKZ and KK4HLB … Continue reading

DX4WIN.CTY #22.1 – 08 January 2022

Version entity is Morocco, CN Entities: 402 Prefixes: 4,665 Callsigns: 29,574 Managers: 91,702 Addresses: 12,889 [download] DX4WIN 8.05 and earlier [download] DX4WIN 9.01 and later [Entities] [Prefixes] [Callsigns] [Managers] [IOTA] Entities Prefixes Callsigns AA2YL starting 21 December 2021 is Mariana … Continue reading

N3FJP – 08 January 2022

Version entity is Slovak Republic, OM ADIFCnt.txt has 340 current DXCC entities and 62 deleted DXCC entities. arrlpre3.txt has 21481 prefix+callsign mappings. cqwwpre3.txt has 21631 prefix+callsign mappings. [download] Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns: EA9PD is Spain, EA TX5N is Austral Islands, FO/a GB1BER, … Continue reading

Big CTY – 08 January 2022

Version entity is Slovak Republic, OM [download] Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns: EA9PD is Spain, EA TX5N is Austral Islands, FO/a GB1BER, GB2GTS and GB2WRD are all Wales, GW IO0WRTC is Sardinia, IS AH6SU is in ITU zone 7, not ITU zone 6 … Continue reading

CTY-3201 – 08 January 2022

VER20220108, Version entity is Dominican Republic, HI Download: [ CTY-3201 | CT8 | Win-Test | WriteLog | XML ] Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns: EA3HSD/P and EA9PD are both Spain, EA EA5RKB/8 is Canary Islands, EA8 GB2KW is Scotland, GM IO0WRTC is Sardinia, … Continue reading

DX4WIN.CTY #21.31 – 25 December 2021

Version entity is Tromelin Island, FT/T Entities: 402 Prefixes: 4,665 Callsigns: 29,506 Managers: 91,593 Addresses: 12,885 [download] DX4WIN 8.05 and earlier [download] DX4WIN 9.01 and later [Entities] [Prefixes] [Callsigns] [Managers] [IOTA] Entities Prefixes FE8 ending 31 October 1961 is Cameroon, … Continue reading

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