WoSARS_HomePage | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Calendar, GB2RS, Nets, Clubs, Picture Posts, Contests, News, Picture Diary, Sounds Interesting, Videos, Contest Calendar, Lucky Dip Picture, Shack Latest, |
WoSARS_MEMBERS - Search | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | List, callsigns, history, people |
RSGB_Homepage | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Societies, National |
GB2RS - Scotland (Schedule) | NEWS & MEDIA | Scotland, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Lewis, Tayside, Borders, North Scotland, Perth, GB3BT, GB3OC, |
RSGB_GB2RS News | NEWS & MEDIA | Script |
GB2RS_What We Do | NEWS & MEDIA | Video |
GB2RS SCOTTISH NEWS SCRIPT | NEWS & MEDIA | The GB2RS Scottish News Script for the forthcoming Sunday |
RSGB_GB2RS -News For Scotland | NEWS & MEDIA | Snips, Clubs, Nets, Skeds, People |
RSGB REGION 1 TEAM - West Scotland | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | People, support, help, who-is-who, DR, District Representative, EMC, RFI, |
RSGB - YouTube Video Channel | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Video, AGM, Presentations, Talks, |
WAB - Worked All Britain | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Mobile, Ordnance Survey |
ESSEX HAM - News & Activities | NEWS & MEDIA, CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Training |
ICQ - Podcasts | NEWS & MEDIA | News, Podcast |
HAM NATION - Videos | NEWS & MEDIA | News, Video |
M0JCQ's - HamBlog | NEWS & MEDIA | News, Blog |
RSGB - GB2RS News - Schedule | NEWS & MEDIA | UK Schedule, International, Oscar 100, OQ100, RSGB |
SOUTHGATE (ARC) - News | NEWS & MEDIA | News, Clubs |
TX - Factor | NEWS & MEDIA & MEDIA | News, Video |
CQ - Scotland | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Technical, Training |
CSFMG - Repeater Group | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Repeaters |
DUMBARTON - Lomond Radio Club - GM4HEL | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Clubs |
GMDX - Group | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Groups, Expedition |
GM13 - 2.3GHz (13cms) SOTA In Scotland | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Groups, Microwave |
INVERNESS - And District Amateur Radio Society | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Clubs |
KINGDOM - Amateur Radio Society (Fife) | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Clubs |
MLARS - Mid Lanark Amateur Radio Society | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Clubs |
PAISLEY - Amateur Radio Club | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Clubs |
GB5RC - Radio Caroline | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Group, Pirate Radio |
IARU - International Amateur Radio Union | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | International, Region 1, Region 2, Region 3 |
IOTA - Islands On The Air | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Awards |
IRTS - Irish Radio Transmitters Society | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | International, Ireland, Eire |
RSGB - Members Log-in | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Organisation |
VINTAGE RADIO - Forum | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Forum, Discussion |
DX- Cluster (HA8TKS) | INFORMATION SOURCES | Clusters & Dx, Operating |
Dx-WORLD Net - Dx & Expedition News & Sources | INFORMATION SOURCES | Clusters & Dx, Operating |
HAM Radio Prefixes - ON4SH | INFORMATION SOURCES | Clusters & Dx, Operating |
SOTA_Watch | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Clusters & Dx, Operating (Alerts & Spots) |
SOTLAS_Atlas Alerts | OPERATING & CONTESTS | SOTA, Clusters & Dx, Operating |
SPOTFILTER (ON6ZQ SOTASpot Filter) | INFORMATION SOURCES | Clusters & Dx, Operating |
BEACONS - HF | INFORMATION SOURCES | Clusters & Dx, Operating, Organisation |
BEACONS - VHF UHF Microwave | INFORMATION SOURCES | Clusters & Dx, Operating, Organisation |
EI8IC - Maps - IOTA | CONTESTS | Operating |
EI8IC - Maps - ITU Zones | CONTESTS | Operating |
RSGB - HF | CONTESTS | Operating, UKAC, AFS |
QTH (QRA) - Locator Square (HA8TKS) | CONTESTS | Operating |
QTH (QRA) - Locator Square (TK5EP) Additional Lat-Lon Info | CONTESTS | Operating | - Callsign Database | CONTESTS | Operating |
WA7BNM - Contest Calendar | CONTESTS | Operating |
MMANA-GAL FORUM (Messages) | WoSARS & WEBSITE | aerials, antennas, propagation, design, discussions, dipole, 5RV, groundplane, earth, |
POSTBAG | POSTBAG | Posts, News |
Q-CODE (The) | CONTESTS | Operating, Q, code, meanings |
OSCAR 100 - SDR RX | RECEIVERS & SDR | Operating, Satellites |
THE HUG - OS Maps | CONTESTS | Operating, SOTA, Path Profiles |
ANTENNAS - Everything you always wanted to know About Antennas (but were afraid to ask) | YOUTUBE - Video | Frank Rutter G2FMF, K3AW - Aug 1981, aerial propagation, demonstration |
BROADCAST - Woofferton Shortwave Transmitting Station | YOUTUBE - Video | David Porter - G4OYX, 300KW, High Power, Senders, Transmitters |
RADIO - Enthusiast | PUBLICATIONS - RadioEnthusiast | Practical Wireless, Radio User, |
FARNELL UK | SUPPLIERS & COMPONENTS | RF, capacitors, surface mount, PSU, Resistors, IC's, coils, chokes, amps |
ANSWER-Line | NEWS & MEDIA | American based, video |
60 METER BAND | OPERATING | Frequencies, 5.3985, Blue Ham, GB3WES, GB3ORK |
MEMBERS - Landing Page | WoSARS & WEBSITE | Non |
AMATEUR - Radio Map | OPERATING | Prefixes, locations, World, map, dx, |
UK MICROWAVE - Group (Homepage) | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Microwave,GHz, contests, UHF, uW |
N1MM LOGGER - Software | OPERATING | Contest Logging Software, Used by WoSARS |
GB3GL - Glasgow | REPEATERS - CSFMG | 430.900/438.500 - 103.5 |
GB3CS - West Central Scotland | REPEATERS - CSFMG | 145.750/150 - 103.5 |
GB3AY - Ayrshire | REPEATERS - CSFMG | 145.650/050 - 103.5/1750 |
GB3PA - West Glasgow | REPEATERS - CSFMG | 145.625/025 - 103.5/175 WEB Article |
GB3SL - Glasgow | REPEATERS - CSFMG | 50.730/51.230 - 103.5/1750 |
UK REPEATER MAP - 2M | REPEATERS - UK | Covering 145-146MHz |
GB3KE - NW Glasgow | REPEATERS - UK | 145.6875/0875 - 103.5 also 70.4125 - 103.5 simplex, IRLP 5410, EchoLink 5411 |
GB3KV- NE Glasgow | REPEATERS - CSFMG | 430.975/438.575 - 103.5 |
RADIO NETS | CLUBS - SCOTLAND | Table of the Latest Club Nets - Times & Frequencies |
GB3LY- Northern Ireland | REPEATERS - UK | 145.600/000 - 110.9 |
DX ZONE | AMATEUR - INFORMATION | Equipment, Clubs, News, Tech Articles |
THE S METER | OPERATING - EQUIPMENT | S-UNITS, dBM, microwatt, microvolts, 50Z |
HAMWAVES.COM (ON4AA) | INFORMATION | contests, propagation, RF Engineering, QRP, aerial design and more.............. |
AALCO - GLASGOW | SUPPLIER | aluminium sheets, tube - square round, angled sections etc. Trade counter but open to the Public. |
GM4FVM's - Radio World | NEWS & MEDIA | information, articles |
PRACTICAL WIRELESS (Magazine) | NEWS & MEDIA | information, articles |
UK - Repeaters | REPEATERS - UK | Homepage of UK Repeaters |
RADCOM (RSGB Magazine) | NEWS & MEDIA | The In-house magazine of the RSGB, articles, information |
ALL - About Circuits - Return Loss & VSWR Calculator | INFORMATION SOURCES & AERIAL DESIGN | calculations |
CALCULATOR - Three Element Yagi | INFORMATION SOURCES & AERIAL DESIGN | calculations |
CALCULATOR - Multi Element Yagi | INFORMATION SOURCES & AERIAL DESIGN | calculations |
HAM Radio School - Tuition (American Based) | INFORMATION SOURCES - TUITION | calculations, training |
HELIX - Antenna Designer | INFORMATION SOURCES & AERIAL DESIGN | calculations |
SHERWOOD ENG (Colorado) - Rx Tests | OPERATING - EQUIPMENT | test, S-UNITS, dBM, microwatt, microvolts, 50Z |
SOLDER SMOKE - Technical Podcasts | NEWS & MEDIA | YouTube |
CPC - Components | SUPPLIERS & COMPONENTS | parts, IC's, RF, |
ELECRAFT - Radios & Accessories | SUPPLIERS & EQUIPMENT | rigs, mics, transmitters, receivers, QRP |
LNR - Precision (QRP) | SUPPLIERS & EQUIPMENT | QRP, rigs, |
QRP-Labs (Kits) | SUPPLIERS & EQUIPMENT | QRP, rigs, |
RS - Components (Glasgow) | SUPPLIERS & COMPONENTS | parts, coax, sockets, plugs, N Type, BNC, PL259, SO238 |
XBS TELECOM | SUPPLIERS & EQUIPMENT | rigs, test equipment, PSU, meters |
HACK GREEN - HF (SDR) | RECEIVERS & SDR | internet, remote, receivers |
Hack Green - VHF/UHF (SDR) | RECEIVERS & SDR | internet, remote, receivers |
OSCAR 100 | SATELLITE | space, repeater |
SPECTRUM SOFTWARE | SUPPLIERS & SOFTWARE | Free, cct design, circuit modelling, analog, digital, no longer supported |
HORIZON EDA (Electronic Design Automation) | SUPPLIERS & SOFTWARE | Free printed circuit cct design, draw schematics, export to PCB |
HAM STACK EXCHANGE | INFORMATION SOURCES & VARIOUS | A series of questions & answers Q&A relating to amateur radio topics, aerials, components, why this?, where did?, how does this work?, |
ON-LINE - Membership Renewal Form | WoSARS & WEBSITE | Membership Renewal Form, Password Protected - see Access Code |
WATERS & STANTON | SUPPLIERS & EQUIPMENT | rigs, aerials, coax, power swr meters, portables, mobiles, PSU, |
COAXIAL CABLE CHARTS | INFORMATION SOURCES & AERIAL DESIGN | coax, calculations, losses, types, RG-213, RG-58, LDF-450 |
THE GB3LG STORY | REPEATERS - CSFMG | 145.675/075 - 1750Hz (no CTCSS) Repeater Extinct |
CONVERT POST CODE TO QTH (QRA) Locator | OPERATING | On an amateur's Page they may not list their QTH Locator, but if you have their Post Code this can be converted |
SOTA_Database | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | standings, World |
SOTA_Website | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | links, about, joining, resources |
SOTA_Reflector | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | discussions, Topics, |
RADIO GEEKS - Equipment Supplier | AERIALS & SUPPLIERS EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS | We are official distributors for all Yaesu, Standard Horizon, Cobra & Nagoya products. based in Alloway, Ayrshire |
SOTA_Summits | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | mountains, listings, locations, Associations |
ZELLO - GB2RS Glasgow | NEWS & MEDIA | GM7GDE's Sunday Broadcast On 70.450 Also On Zello |
EUROPEAN RADIO AMATEURS' ORGANISATION (EURAO) | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | EURAO was born with the aim of being a meeting point for all those independent radio amateurs' associations around the world, mainly from Europe |
NATIONAL RADIO SOCIETY OF IRELAND | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | The National Radio Society of Ireland (NRSI) is a non-profit organisation for radio enthusiasts in the Republic of Ireland. |
ANTARCTIC BASES & PREFIXES - Map | OPERATING & CONTESTS | A .pdf map by EI8IC A showing where Stations/Prefixes are located, maps |
RADIOHAUS_America | EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS | rigs, test equipment, aerials, mobile, antennas, components, RF, amplifiers |
DUMFRIES & GALLOWAY_Raynet | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | emergency communications, GB3DG, Nets |
ELECTRONIC NOTES | TUITION & COURSES | radio & electronics tutorials and notes covering basic electronics concepts, components, radio technology, constructional techniques, ham radio, electronics history testing, prefixes, |
ELECTRONIC NOTES - The SWR Bridge | TUITION & COURSES | SWR, directional coupler, reflectometer, |
AMATEUR FREQUENCY SCHEDULE - Bandplan | NEWS & MEDIA | licence conditions, foundation, intermediate, full, frequency, frequencies, bands |
MARTIN LYNCH & SONS | EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS | ICOM, Yaesu, Kenwood, aerials, antennas, PSU, SDR, rigs |
VIDEOS CONSOLIDATED | NEWS & MEDIA | WoSARS produced and other videos from sources such as YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr |
WALK THE LAKES | OPERATING & CONTESTS | maps, SOTA, 25K maps, route planning, |
BYLARA - British Young Ladies Radio Assn | ORGANISATIONS & CLUBS | YL, XYL, OM |
MANUALS_LIB | NEWS & MEDIA | manuals, service, maintenance, repair |
DG7YBN - Low Noise Yagis | AERIALS & DESIGN | S-Parameters, Smith Charts, aerial matching, coax transformers, stacking, arrays, phasing, VNA, Spectrum Analyser, design |
WoSARS - FACEBOOK PAGE | WoSARS & WEBSITE | members, social media, messages |
LAT/LON - Convertor | OPERATING & CONTESTS | maps, co-ordinates, QRA, NGR, locations, SOTA, Latitude, Longitude, |
ANTENNAS AMPLIFIERS | AERIALS & DESIGN | Aerial matching, coax transformers, stacking, arrays, phasing, filters, design, characteristics, Case Studies, |
GALLERY - TAG CLOUD | WoSARS & WEBSITE | A quicklink to WoSAR's Gallery's Tag Cloud, callsign, photos, |
TONIGHT @ 8 | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONSS | webinars, talks, technical, #External Talks, RSGB |
GB2RS - Podcast | NEWS & MEDIA | The audio version on the latest GB2RS, blind, eyes, |
ISS - 70cms TO 2M Transponder Details | SATELLITE & SPACE | International Space Station, repeater, time, frequencies |
CQ MAGAZINE | NEWS & MEDIA | CQ is the magazine for active hams, with a focus on the practical. Every article is clearly written and aimed at involving the reader |
DX Heat - DX Cluster | OPERATING & CONTESTS | A simple Dx Cluster Site: See |
HF KITS | COMPONENTS & SUPPLIERS | aerials, antennas & calculations, kits, QRP, baluns & designs, technical support, |
SHARMAN-MULTICOM | COMPONENTS & SUPPLIERS | connectors, aerials, filters, plugs, PL259, N-Type, coax, cable, two-way, portables, mobiles, ferrites, mag-mount, power supplies, PSU |
DATA - Frequencies | OPERATING & CONTESTS | PSK, RTTY, MFSK (MFSK16, OLIVIA 8/250, CONTESTIA 8/250 etc), JT65, JT9, FT8, FT4, JS8CALL |
POWER STREAM - Battery Technical Info | EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS | batteries, chargers, LiPo, lead-acid, SLAB, lithium, current, capacity, ampere hour, Ah, internal resistance, Zinc, |
MORSE CODE & Characters | OPERATING & CONTESTS | Morse, character set, sounds, accented characters, prosigns, punctuation |
ANTENNA THEORY | AERIALS & DESIGN | SWR, returns, Smiths Charts, arrays, impedance, S Parameters, VNA, aerials, antennas |
GREAT CIRCLE MAP | OPERATING & CONTESTS | Maps, headings, beaming, directions DX MAPS - HomePage |
MUSEUM OF COMMUNICATION (MOC) - Fife | ORGANISATIONS & CLUBS | vintage, equipment, historical, television, radio, telegraph, telephone, Morse, lectures, test equipment, displays, |
WEB SDR - Listings | RECEIVERS & SDR | Internet, remote, World, SF, VHF, UHF |
CQ ZONE - Map | OPERATING & CONTESTS | maps, World, CQWW, |
A GUIDE TO LEAD ACID BATTERIES | EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS | batteries, chargers, lead-acid, SLAB, current, capacity, ampere hour, Ah, internal resistance, Specific Gravity, types, Deep Cycle, Starting Batteries, battery capacity, kilowatt-hours, kWh, discharge rate, battery life, charge state, charging |
SimSMITH | AERIALS & DESIGN | application for Smith Charts, admittance, reactance, complex impedance, R, L, C blocks |
dBm/uV/uW/SWR/Returns - CHART | AERIALS & DESIGN | aerials, antennas, dBm, feeders, gain, microvolts, power, receiver, return loss, sensitivity, technical, transmitters |
G4MWO’s - Worldwide 5 MHz Amateur Allocations Chart | OPERATING & CONTESTS | 60Metre, bands plan, |
SNIPS (News For Scotland) | NEWS & MEDIA | Snips is a compilation of Amateur Radio news items appertaining to Scotland and Scottish Clubs. It is compiled from GB2RS and other sources. |
COAX - (Wikipedia) | AERIALS & DESIGN | history and explanation as to the make-up of coax, common mode, differential mode, balun, rigid, characteristic impedance, RG format, classification, |
RADIO HERITAGE NET | HISTORIC & MEDIA | frequencies, AM, MW, LW, SW, shortwave, listening, QSL, equipment, vintage, callsigns, |
RFI PROTECTION - Materials & Devices (Jim Lesurf March 2010) | AERIALS & DESIGN | ferrites, interference, balun, feeders, 230V, 50Hz, common, differential, mode, balance |
HUMOUR | WoSARS & WEBSITE | funny, cartoons, media, |
PROGRAMME FORUM | WoSARS & WEBSITE | messages, dates, meetings, calendar |
MEMBERS FORUM | WoSARS & WEBSITE | equipment, aerials, antennas, meetings |
COMMITTEE FORUM | WoSARS & WEBSITE | management, AGM, minutes |
COAXIAL GUIDE - RS Components | AERIALS & DESIGN | impedance, RG format, |
K6JCA: BALUNS THOUGHTS ON - Common Mode Current, Chokes & Coax | AERIALS & DESIGN | current, impedance, formula, |
AMERICAN BAND PLAN 2020 - ARRL | CONTESTS & OPERATING | frequencies, LF, VLF, HF, microwaves, USA, 60M |
RADIOWORLD | AERIALS & DESIGN EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS | end feds, antenna, rigs, test, accessories, |
60 METERS ON-LINE | OPERATING & CONTESTS | frequencies, stations, Dx, expeditions, resources, countries, operators, |
EVERYTHING RF | COMPONENTS & SUPPLIERS | microwave, baluns, couplers, circulators, VNA, attenuators, bias tees, and lots more, |
MB21 Transmission Gallery | HISTORIC & MEDIA | transmitters, senders, photos, frequencies, valves, LW, MW, FM, DAB, fill-ins, dates, latest, status, ILR, BBC, IBA, |
M0MAT - RF Connectors Etc | AERIALS & SUPPLIERS COMPONENTS & SUPPLIERS | TNC, BNC, SMA, N-Type, LDF-450 Connectors, LDF-250 Connectors, FSJ-150 Connectors, Adaptors, female, male, splitters, directional couplers, car mounting terminations: RG174, SO239, right angle, Ecoflex, and more........ |
NORWEGIAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Norway, national, societies, bands, licencing, exhibitions, |
COMPREHENSIVE PREFIX LISTINGS | OPERATING & CONTESTS | A simple but comprehensive text listing from |
Q-CODE - Listing | OPERATING & CONTESTS | Comprehensive listing, code, |
AMATEUR CW - Abbreviations | OPERATING & CONTESTS | abbreviations, Morse, QSO's, exchange, code, CW, |
BEACONS - HF (List 2019 July) | OPERATING & CONTESTS | Clusters & Dx, Operating, Organisation |
THE VALVE MUSEUM | COMPONENTS & SUPPLIERS, HISTORIC & MEDIA | valves, specifications, applications, amplifiers, power, RF |
WHERE DID 73 COME FROM? | HISTORIC & MEDIA, OPERATING & CONTESTS | codes, numbers, telegraphists, 88, 44, |
N3FJP - Logging Software | OPERATING & CONTESTS | N1MM, import, |
MARINE CHANNEL LISTING | CONTESTS & OPERATING | CH16, search & rescue, coastguard, safety, |
QRZ_CQ - Callsign Database | OPERATING & CONTESTS | callsigns, QTH, locator, location, QSL-info, people, |
GB7CS | REPEATERS & CSFMG | 439.7750/430.775, frequencies, DV, Fusion, digital, UHF, |
UK REPEATER - Listings | REPEATERS & UK | frequencies, DV, DMR, Fusion, digital, UHF, analogue, |
GB3WA - Ayrshire | REPEATERS & CSFMG | 430.8750/438.4750 - 103.5/1750 |
GB3DM - Dumbartonshire | REPEATERS & UK | 430.9250/438.5250 - 103.5 |
RSGB 4M (UK) Band Pland | OPERATING & CONTESTS | 70.000 - 70.500, cw, ssb, fm, calling channel, four, 4M, digital, gateway, |
K7FRY - 10 Figure QTH Locator | OPERATING & CONTESTS | QRA, Latitude, Longitude, microwave, locations, path, profiles,microwave, |
HAMWAVES - Propagation | OPERATING & CONTESTS | critical frequency, NVIS, MUF, E-layer, propogation, tutorials, Chilton, D-Layer Absorption, Ionogram, |
UK AMATEUR LICENCE Schedule | OPERATING & CONTESTS | Ofcom, bands, power, frequencies, regional designator, reciprocal, Foundation, Intermediate, Full, |
THE RF CAFE | COMPONENTS & SUPPLIERS PUBLICATIONS & NEWS HISTORIC & MEDIA | American based, test equipment, recruitment, RF, stories, information, news, vintage magazines, |
DX INFO CENTRE | CONTESTS & OPERATING | Hepburn Charts, predictions, propagation, tropo, ducting, lift, |
AGM - 2020/21 | WoSARS & WEBSITES | Covers Agenda & Minutes from the (2019/20) 2020/21 AGM held 27th August 2021. Requires Access Code |
AGM - 2021/22 | WoSARS & WEBSITES | Covers Agenda & Minutes from the 2021/22 AGM held 20th May 2022. Requires Access Code |
AGM - 2022/23 | WoSARS & WEBSITES | Covers Agenda & Minutes from the 2022/23 AGM held 19th May 2023. Requires Access Code |
Tropospheric Propagation Forecast | CONTESTS & OPERATING | F5LEN, predictions, propagation, tropo, ducting, lift, charts |
BARENCO | AERIALS & SUPPLIERS EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS | connectors, brackets, clamps, masts, poles, connectors, radio accessories, cables, feeders, coaxes |
MARK PERSON W0MH - Radio Engineer | TUITION & COURSES | test equipment, repair tips, RF experiences, high power Tx, commercial, broadcast, AM, FM |
GB4GDS - Guide Dogs Scotland | CONTESTS & OPERATING | October 2021, special event, Shack (GM4AGG), GM4DAE, |
EI7GL - BlogSpot | WoSARS & WEBSITES PUBLICATIONS & NEWS | propagation, equipment, Dx, tips, techniques, chat, bands, LW, MW, SW |
DX4WIN - Logging | CONTESTS & OPERATING | This is not a contest logging software package, as it is intended to be your station logging software |
DUDE-Star - Radio Project | EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS | DUDE-Star software is an open source application for amateur radio operators that allows RX and TX of D-Star, DMR, YSF, NXDN, and P25 using an analogue radio. Also provides a Web access. digital |
SDR Play | EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS | SDR radios, blogs, products, 1khz to 2GHz, British, |
WORLD RADIO HISTORY | HISTORIC & MEDIA | history, publications, Practical Wireless, Wireless World, Marconigraph, |
THE QTH(QRA) LANDING PAGE | CONTESTS & OPERATING | QRA, QTH, locations, maps, information, Wiki, Maidenhead |
M17 PROJECT | EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS CONTESTS & OPERATING | digital, WIKI, Codec 2, transceivers can be flashed with a custom, free, open source firmware, grant from the Amateur Radio Digital Communications, |
RSGB - Latest BandPlans | CONTESTS & OPERATING | licence, frequencies, modes, foundation, intermediate, full |
G-QRP CLUB | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | qrp, kits, equipment, portable, low-power, Telford, rally, |
UK NGR To QTH Locator | CONTESTS & OPERATING | grid, QRA, QTH, SOTA, Maidenhead, locations, |
LAT & LONG To NGR | CONTESTS & OPERATING | grid, QRA, QTH, SOTA, locations |
REVERSE BEACON NETWORK (CW) | CONTESTS & OPERATING | DX, spotting, spots, cluster, stations, |
MEDIUM WAVE - Stations Listings | CONTESTS & OPERATING | SWL, MW stations, Dx'ing, |
ICOM - Registered Clubs | EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | amateur radio clubs, information, contacts, websites |
ELECTRONIC NOTES - UK Amateur Callsign History | HISTORIC & MEDIA | callsigns, prefixes, licence, |
M0YBC_Weebly | HISTORIC & MEDIA | callsigns, prefixes, licence, |
W1HKJ's - Beginners Guide To FLDIGI | CONTESTS & OPERATING | digital, RTTY, PSK, |
CMJ HARRISON - Components | COMPONENTS & SUPPLIERS | See POST#2607 for discount and further details |
TUITION & COURSES | This website is a home of RF and Wireless Vendors and Resources. The site covers articles, tutorials, vendors, terminology, source code (VHDL, Verilog, MATLAB,Labview), test and measurement, calculators, news, books, downloads and more. Also covers resources on various topics such as RF, wireless, vsat, satellite, radar, fiber optics, microwave, wimax, wlan, zigbee, LTE, 5G NR, GSM, GPRS, GPS, WCDMA, UMTS, TDSCDMA, bluetooth, Lightwave RF, z-wave, Internet of Things(IoT), M2M, Ethernet etc. | |
INDUCTANCE CALCULATOR | COMPONENTS & SUPPLIERS | covers inductor calculator or inductance calculator. It mentions inductor calculator for single layer coil and multilayer multirow types. The equation or formula used for these two types of inductor calculators are also mentioned. |
THE SHORTWAVE RADIO AUDIO ARCHIVE | HISTORIC & MEDIA | The Shortwave Radio Audio Archive (SRAA) is a collection of shortwave radio recordings that you can download or listen to as a podcast. The collection grows every day and includes both historic recordings and current recordings from the shortwave radio spectrum. The goal of this site is for shortwave radio enthusiast to have a place to store, archive and share their radio recordings with the world. Ukraine recordings, |
NEWS TICKERS_2022 | WoSARS & WEBSITES | Homepage, News Tickers, links, |
NEWS TICKERS_2023 | WoSARS & WEBSITES | Homepage, News Tickers, links, |
OPENWEB RX - IO75QZ | RECEIVERS & SDR | Loch Lomond Radio Club, Renton, Scotland Grid IO75qz, ASL 20M |
KIWI-SDR - IO75JV | RECEIVERS & SDR | Tighnabruaich, Scotland | Grid IO75jv, ASL 10m above the sea |
KIWI-SDR - IO77VQ | RECEIVERS & SDR | Scottish Highlands, UK | Grid IO77vq, ASL 30m |
WoSARS COMMITTEE - 2021/22 | WoSARS & WEBSITES | members, AGM, management |
L&C CALCULATOR | COMPONENTS & SUPPLIERS | capacitors, inductors, coils, values, reactance, impedance, filters, calculations |
CalculatorsElectrical, RF and Electronics Calculators Single-Layer Coil Inductance Calculator - Metric | COMPONENTS & SUPPLIERS | inductors, coils, values, reactance, impedance, filters, calculations, The current sheet here means that the coil is wound with very thin tape wire with no gaps between adjacent turns. It is a very good approximation for round wire coils with many closely spaced turns. |
HOW TO READ TANTALUM CODES | COMPONENTS & SUPPLIERS | capacitors, colour coding, positive, values, |
FROM dB TO S-UNITS - Learn To Play With Power Units | RECEIVERS & SDR | test, S-UNITS, microwatt, microvolts, 50Z, dB, dBm, dBW, dBi, dBd, |
DEVELOPMENT OF THE BBC AM TRANSMITTER NETWORK | HISTORIC & MEDIA | broadcasting, UK coverage, network, transmitter, |
W1WC - AMATEUR SOFTWARE | WoSARS & WEBSITES | logging, aerial antenna design, CW, Morse, training, FT8, FT4, |
CAITHNESS AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY (CARS) | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Scottish Highlands, Scotland, meetings, |
YL NEWS | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Young Ladies, YL, XYL, BYLARA, ZS5YH Heather, South Africa, Women |
MAASBREE_Netherlands | RECEIVERS & SDR | internet, remote, receivers, Europe, Rx, |
PICTURE DIARY - 2018 | WoSARS & WEBSITES | A photographic Diary covering 2018 |
PICTURE DIARY - 2019 | WoSARS & WEBSITES | A photographic Diary covering 2019 |
PICTURE DIARY - 2020 | WoSARS & WEBSITES | A photographic Diary covering 2020 |
PICTURE DIARY - 2021 | WoSARS & WEBSITES | A photographic Diary covering 2021 |
PICTURE DIARY - 2022 | WoSARS & WEBSITES | A photographic Diary covering 2022 |
GRID REFERENCE FINDER | OPERATING & CONTESTS | NGR, latitude, longitude, location, QRA, QTH, Post Code, |
RESISTOR COLOUR CODING | COMPONENTS & SUPPLIERS | construction, resistors, values, code, codes, |
THE QST MAGAZINE | PUBLICATIONS & NEWS | history, archive, articles, ARRL, america, |
GMDX - Activity Weekend 1997 | PUBLICATIONS & NEWS CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | history, archive, articles, GMDX, scotland |
W.A.P. Worldwide Antarctic Program | ORGANISATIONS | Antarctica, activity week, polar, bases, callsigns |
3Y0J DXPEDITION - Jan/Feb 2023 | CONTESTS & OPERATING | anuary 2023 DXpedition to Norwegian island of Bouvet. Departure date 13th January - 44-49 days DXpedition, contracted MINIMUM 22 days at Bouvet. Expected arrival at Bouvet island: January 26th (2023) +/- a few days. |
GB5SC (on WoSARS TIMELINE 1923) | HISTORIC & MEDIA | 5SC, BBC, British Broadcasting Company, special event station, 4-6th 2023, 6th March 1923, Port Dundas, Pacific Quay |
GB5SC - YouTube Video (Dave GM6OHF) | CONTESTS & OPERATING HISTORIC & MEDIA | 5SC, BBC, British Broadcasting Company, special event station, 4-6th 2023, 6th March 1923, Port Dundas, Pacific Quay, a video produced by BBC ARG Member Dave GM6OHF |
GB5SC - Website Gallery Photos | CONTESTS & OPERATING HISTORIC & MEDIA | 5SC, BBC, British Broadcasting Company, special event station, 4-6th 2023, 6th March 1923, Port Dundas, Pacific Quay, a selection of photos |
GB5SC (WoSARS Calendar Entry) | CONTESTS & OPERATING HISTORIC & MEDIA | 5SC, BBC, British Broadcasting Company, special event station, 4-6th 2023, 6th March 1923, Port Dundas, Pacific Quay, calendar entry |
The Basics of Radio Wave Propagation | OPERATING & CONTESTS | Supplied by Ted GM5TDX, Edwin C. Jones, MD, PhD (AE4TM), propagation, solar flares, layers, MUF, critical frequencies, ionisation, |
WoSARS HOMEPAGE_Updates | WoSARS & WEBSITES | ongoing updates to Site's Homepage |
SOLAR HAM - Space Wx | SATELLITE & SPACE | propagation, flares, KP-Index, A-Indices, Sun, spots, regions, flux index, |
PROPQUEST - Propagation Live | CONTESTS & OPERATING | critical frequency, F2, MUF, maximum, E's, sporadic, weather, jet-stream, |
THE STORY OF PYE - Pye Telecom | HISTORIC & MEDIA | Over more than a 75 year period the radio communications activities of the Pye Group were known as Pye Ltd, Pye Telecommunications, Philips Radio Communications Systems (PRCS), Philips Telecom-PMR, Simoco International Ltd, Sepura PLC and Team Simoco Group |
WoSARS CONSTITUTION (2021) | WoSARS & WEBSITES | documents |
UK AM BROADCASTERS | HISTORIC & MEDIA | frequencies, power, locations (NGR), coverage, regions |
UK FM BROADCASTERS | HISTORIC & MEDIA | frequencies, power, locations (NGR), coverage, regions |
WoSARS - WHAT3WORDS | WoSARS & WEBSITES | Club Rooms, Rose Street in What3Word Format - vase.gangs.tour |
RF IMPEDANCE MATCHING CALCULATOR | COMPONENTS & SUPPLIERS | This tool calculates the matching network necessary to terminate a line of the specified characteristic impedence (Zo) in a specific complex load impedence (RL + jXL) at a specified frequency. It supports both balanced and unbalanced lines |
COASTAL RADIO FREQUENCIES | PUBLICATIONS & NEWS | With the sharing of the 160m (1810-2000 kHz) & 80m (3500-3800 kHz) bands between stations in the Coastal Radio Service and the Amateur Radio Service Lots of radio amateurs over the years have developed an interest in the Maritime & Coastal Radio Service. |
DISTANCE TO HORIZON CALCULATOR | OPERATING & CONTESTS | uW, microwave, distance to horizon, height, paths, vhf, uhf, 2 metres, 4 metres, 13cms |
THE GM MAGAZINE | HISTORIC & MEDIA, PUBLICATIONS & NEWS | 1961 With Radio Club of Scotland (RCS) breaking away from the RSGB it was felt that a new publication should be launched to reflect the amateur radio scene from a ‘Scottish’ perspective? |
AX.25 PACKET NETWORK (UK) | OPERATING & CONTESTS | 144.950MHz National Packet Network project. A significant group of people are now engaged in (re)building a radio-centric packet network across the UK. (2023) |
145 ALIVE (Events) | OPERATING & CONTESTS | Group set up to spread awareness of the 145 Alive activity events - seeing activity on 2m FM Simplex! |
RSGB MOCK EXAMS | TUITION & COURSES | The RSGB Exam Syllabus Review Group has published a new set of mock papers covering each of the amateur radio licence exams, from Foundation through to Full. |
RCFORB - Android App Explained | OPERATING & CONTESTS | YouTube - Use your Android tablet or smartphone to remotely operate an Amateur radio station via the internet. More info from |
RTL-SDR.COM | RECEIVERS & SDR | RTL-SDR is a very cheap ~$30 USB dongle that can be used as a computer based radio scanner for receiving live radio signals in your area (no internet required). Depending on the particular model it could receive frequencies from 500 kHz up to 1.75 GHz. Most software for the RTL-SDR is also community developed, and provided free of charge. Note that RTL-SDRs cannot transmit. |
NOISE FIGURES - Measuring | RECEIVERS & SDR | Modern automated noise figure (NF) instruments make it quite easy to perform noise figure measurements. However, they do not eliminate the need for a knowledgeable operator. If you don’t have a solid understanding of the error sources affecting your measurement, then automating that measurement will not make it better. As Dr. Thomas H. Lee stated in Planar Microwave Engineering, “Automated equipment merely lets you produce more wrong answers per unit time.” |
OSCAR 100 - Beaming Directions | RECEIVERS & SDR SATELLITE & SPACE | This Website gives you information as to the Azimuth & Elevation details to access the Satellite from your QTH |
OSCAR 100 - Bandplan | RECEIVERS & SDR SATELLITE & SPACE | Up and Down frequency information. |
SHACK - Aerial/Antenna Status | AERIALS & SUPPLIERS | A series of Pictures showing progress in repairing the Shack's Aerials. Password Protected |
HEY WHAT'S THAT | OPERATING & CONTESTS | See what you can see from your QTH (or what your aerial can see?), maps. topography |
QO-100 Dx CLUB | SATELLITE & SPACE | The meeting point for all who enjoy Dxing on Qatar Oscar 100 satellite. |
TRANSISTOR COMPARISONS | COMPONENTS & SUPPLIERS | Transistor comparison tables and calculator. Design, homebrew. |
GALASHIELS & DISTRICT ARS | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | The Galashiels Radio Club meets every Wednesday night in the Focus Community Centre, Livingstone Place, Galashiels, and have a general chat about anything, and either a radio will be set up and played with to see what stations can be heard.......... |
HF SIGNAL INDETIFICATIONS | OPERATING & CONTESTS | Indentify HF RF signals, waterfalls, interference, data formats, modulation formats |
MWLIST | OPERATING & CONTESTS, HISTORIC & MEDIA | Longwave, mediumwave, tropical bands and shortwave radio database, SWL Dx-ing, LW, MW, SW |
RF CALCULATOR | AERIALS & DESIGN | Watts to dB and various other RF Calculations |
U3A - AMATEUR RADIO GROUP | CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS | Are you an Amateur Radio enthusiast? (University of the Third Age) |
MMANA-GAL Help Page | AERIALS & DESIGN | MMANA-GAL is an antenna-analyzing tool based on the moment method, which was introduced in MININEC version 3. |
SHACK DIARY | CONSTESTS & OPERATING | Cochno, Kilpatricks, latest information about the Club's Shack, |
4:1 COAXIAL BALUN DESIGN | AERIALS & DESIGN | How to calculate the half wave length of the matching section of the 4:1 coax balun |
APRS.FI PAGE (Glasgow/Central Scotland) | OPERATING & CONTESTS | SOTA, packet reporting location network, |
UK GATEWAYS | OPERATING & CONTESTS | A list of all UK Gateways |
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