Who are WoSARS?
The West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society was established in May 1970. And indeed 2020 was the Society’s 50th Anniversary
Although 50+ years old our linage goes further back through The Radio Club of Scotland and The RSGB Group Glasgow. Checkout our TIMELINE for further information.
We are a not for profit organisation comprising of amateur radio enthusiasts (hams) who gather on Friday nights at the Garnethill Multicultural Centre where we are involved in many aspects of this historic and yet modern hobby. We also provide technical support and licence guidance on a Wednesday night via the appropriately named SOLDER GROUP, located at the Electron Club, within The Centre for Contemporary Arts, 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3JD
WoSARS is also affiliated to:
And here are some areas of the hobby covered by the Society:
- interesting talks on various subjects from guest speakers
- go on the air using the club’s radio equipment and computers
- hands-on & show and tell what projects you are working on
- have discussions about new and old technologies
- participate in many radio contests throughout the year
- participate in the monthly RSGB Clubs on the Air Competitions and yearly IOTA contest (Islands On The Air).
- learning new skills
- the list goes on
For newcomers to amateur radio, here are a couple of articles that may help better describe what we are involved in:
WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE – Amateur Radio and BBC ARTICLE – Amateur Radio
Our main club night is on a Friday in the centre of Glasgow (handy for bus and rail links) at Garnethill Multicultural Centre, Glasgow, from 8pm – 10pm (please select the PROGRAMME tab for more details and Click the Post/Zip Code below for a map as to where to find us).
Now having introduced ourselves to you, would you interested in joining us? You don’t need to sign up fully to the Club and might like to join or PROGRAMME FORUM in the first instance, its free. However if you would like to take things further and join, checkout our ON-LINE APPLICATION PAGE . Thanks!